Seen in many sizes and in many duty roles, aerodynes are the work horses of the Erma Felna setting. Seen in both light and heavy forms and fulfilling any role from simple utility to troop transport and even gunship. ..... I'm currently on vacation, and I am using some of this time to catch up on blogging a... 3 days ago. Wanna B Painter ? I Kicked Butt! - So, in my last post, I wrote about how my Cygnar warcaster Haley got eaten by a Earthborn Dire Troll (picture below). ...
bfelna/b Sablaon Says: October 12th, 2007 at 6:45 pm. HOW I WISH NA MBIGYAN AKO NG CHANCE MKAJOINED SA PBB?GUSTO KONG GMITIN ITO? TO GET RECOVER!COUSED FROM MY EXPIRIENCE AS A T.N.T DURING WHEN I WAS IN JPAN! b....../b thank GOD its a bvacation/b time for christmas, i will back in lucena city later. merry christmas to all you dude! erwel monteneo Says: December 27th, 2007 at 3:44 pm. elow po ask kolang po kung mayroon pa ulit audtion ng pbbteens2 d2 sa bacolod city????? if ever po ...